Listen to Gamut

"Gamut" is broadcast every Wednesday morning on WTJU, 91.1 FM, 6:00 am to 9:00 am (Eastern Standard Time). If you're not in the Charlotesville area, you can listen online at

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Program #775 - 02/13/08

Gregory Zduniak
- Symphony No. 1
Winstin/Czech Philharmonic Orchestra (ERM)

Arcangelo Corelli
- Sonata in B minor for two violins, Op. 4, No. 12
Huggett/Bury/Ter Lindin/Smith/Koopman (Philips)

Olivier Messiaen
- Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant Jesus, Nos. XI & XII

Loriod (Ades)

Herbert Howells
- Take Him, Earth, for Cherishing
Best/Corydon Singers (Hyperion)

Cesar Cui
- Suite "in Modo Populari", Op. 43

Schermerhorn/Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (Marco Polo)

Franz Schubert
- Piano Sonata, D. 784, Op. 143

Watts (EMI)

Johann Sebastian Bach
- Sonata in A for flute and harpsichord, BWV 1032
Beaucoudray/Christie (Harmonia Mundi)

Carl Heinrich Reinecke
-Piano Concerto No. 4 in B minor

Hellwig/Francis/Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie (CPO)

William Byrd
- Suite: Watkins Ale; Lavolta; Lady Morley; Rowland; The Carmans Whistle


Tim Knight
- Elegy for an English Summer
Winstin/Czech Philharmonic (ERM)

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